Adult Learner support Services
Learning as an adult is much different than learning as a child. Adults have very different needs, backgrounds, skills and interests! We take all of these unique situations into account when we meet with you to determine your goals. Our adult learning programs are designed to take you from where you are right now to where you want to go, and farther! If you are looking to improve your reading, writing, or math skills, we can provide tutoring and classes that will fit your needs. We work with you each step of the way, and can help you navigate further steps such as post-secondary or other learning opportunities. Whether you want to obtain your Canadian Adult Education Certificate (CAEC), improve skills for work or just to gain more confidence in yourself, we are here to help. It is important to meet with our team to determine which program would suit you best. Please call our office or stop by to arrange an assessment.
individual or small group tutoring
Adults need the opportunity to learn in their own way and in their own timeframe. If we don't have a class that fits your needs, talk to us about being matched with a tutor for free (foundational learning subjects). We are always looking for volunteer tutors to help - no experience necessary!
assistance and support
We know that asking for help can be really uncomfortable and scary. We offer a no-judgement, safe, welcoming space where you can get the help, encouragement and confidence you need to improve your skills. We'll be your biggest fans and celebrate every success with you!
referrals to other services
"Any door is the right door." This is something we try to uphold daily. If you approach us for help but it's not something we currently do, we will help you find the right service or support, and will even make some calls to connect you to the right place. We are extremely helpful! We appreciate referrals from other agencies, too!
free confidential assessments
It's hard to know how to get where you're going if you don't know where to start. Our Coordinators can help you with a free assessment of your skills, so that you can make an informed plan for success. All assessments are private and confidential and are only to allow you and the Coordinator to create an individual learning plan where YOU choose your goals.
technology assistance and access
Do you need access to a computer to practice your computer skills (typing), research job opportunities or create a resume? Ask about booking some time in our lab to use our computers. We'll help guide you to some great resources!
reducing barriers to learning
We know that many adults face barriers to learning. Barriers can be financial, but also social, transportation, child care, time, and lack of access to technology or internet. We aim to reduce as many barriers as possible to ensure the success of our learners. If any of these are preventing you from taking one of our programs, please let one of our Coordinators know and we'll see how we can help.
We provide learner support and mentoring for those struggling
with daily literacy challenges.
Want to learn?
Do you or an adult you know need help with reading, writing, or help with math? Maybe you’d like to be able to help your child with homework or fill out forms and read the newspaper. We can help!
We can do a skills assessment with you, and help place you with a learning coach to help reach your goals. We recognize that some adults may not have had the opportunity to learn effectively and in their own way. There may be a lack of confidence, and perhaps other barriers to learning . Our consultations are completely personal and confidential.
Any adult 18 years or older who meet the program requirements can access these services for free.
Adults who are struggling with literacy skills can come to us on their own or may be referred to us from other organizations. We try our best to accommodate any adult with a learning need and a desire to work on those skills. The benefits of working on these skills reach far beyond English or Math. There are happiness, confidence and health benefits that are realized for an engaged and motivated Learner.
Our goal is to help adults who struggle with literacy to become more confident and skilled and thus able to function more effectively in today’s world.

Want to tutor?
We want to talk to you! We are looking for tutors who would like to help other adults in the community with English as an Additional language, reading, writing, math, apprenticeships or computers and technology.
• Are 19 years or older
• Like working with people
• Have an open mind and believe that all people can learn
• Are interested in community development
We can support with materials, training and a great learning space. Times are flexible and work with your schedule. Please contact us for more information.
My name is Alexa Young
Pre-CAEC Grammar and Math will provide learners with a bridge to the CAEC program. Programs will highlight basic math (multiplication & long division), writing and grammar exercises. Learners will also be introduced to the CAEC pretests with deep explanations of testing expectations. Learners will then be able to proceed to a CAEC program with confidence.
Grammar/Math Camp:
Call to be put on interest list for upcoming dates in Fall 2024.

skills for learning bootcamp
My name is Alexa Young
Participants will learn how to manage test taking stress and good study habits to achieve their goals. They will also learn confidence building skills that will help them to continue to be committed to their success. Participants will also practice attitude building skills to be successful in the class and work environment. Participants will learn that presentation is important in every area of their lives. Participants will have opportunity to practice and build skills by role play and break out opportunities.
Confidence building classes for adults who want to improve:
Test Anxiety & Stress
Study Habits
Adaptability, Attitude & Self-Awareness,
Teamwork & Presentation

CAEC Prep Program
The Canadian Adult Education Credential officially replaced the General Equivalency Diploma
as of May 2024
Is now the right time for you to get your high school equivalency? We will help you every step of the way! We have confidential assessments to help determine the right path, and supportive, knowledgeable staff that will guide you through the options, help with extra practice exercises and resources, and check in with you to see what else you need.
Two options with flexible learning formats allows students to learn strategies to prepare for writing the CAEC exam. Students focus on developing and improving their writing, reading, science, social studies, and math skills. Students also practice various CAEC assessment tests to help them feel more comfortable in a timed testing environment.
This class is designed to help you prepare for your CAEC exam, or the Alberta General Equivalency Diploma (Grade 12). Topics include Reading, Writing, Socials, Science and Math.
Option 1:
CAEC Prep Class via videoconference delivery with local support. We have room for up to 15 students in our classroom, or you can join these live classes from home, as long as you have a device that can use Zoom, and high-speed internet.
New Fall 2023 Dates!
Mon - Thursday from 1 to 4pm
Sep 09 - Dec 03, 2024
Tues, Wed, Thurs evenings from 5 to 8pm
Oct 1 - Dec 12, 2024
More information to come! Click below for inquires

Foundations for Learning
Pre-Upgrading (Grades 7 - 9 Level)
with FREE Tutor Support
In partnership with NorQuest College, this program will help learners gain skills in math, science, English, and English language proficiency, and provide opportunities for learners to continue on to post-secondary programs.
GEDP1521 GED Prep Foundations - Online Real-Time
MATH1521 Pre-Trades Math and Science Preparation Foundations
MATH1524 Prep for Practical Nurse Math Foundations
MATH1522 Pre-Algebra Foundations
MATH1523 High School Math Prep Foundations
New! ESLS1521 Listening & Speaking Foundations - CLB 5-6
Each course is $250-300 through NorQuest College. 30 hours of one-on-one tutor support is included from us!
Ready for More Information?
Please fill out the form below to have our coordinator contact you for a free consultation for placement in our programs or information about how you can become a tutor and help someone reach their goals.